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The Order of the Holy Merkaba

A dominant order, shrouded in mystery.


The Order of the Holy Merkaba has a long and ancient history. Since the dawn of mankind, it played a crucial part in major events. The order was founded and established by Artradex as the leading authority in Aukrasia. They were originally a religious order, communicating with higher beings in their abodes (religious building) and satisfying the public's spiritual needs. The order also had the important job in archiving the wisdom of the day's sages.

As Lazrahel's evil empire grew, and his army multiplied, the Order of the Holy Merkaba transformed into a military order. They were sent abroad to fight against dark agents who occasionally raided cities.

At the fall of Aukrasia, there was a quarrel between the leaders in the order. The Guild of Ascended Masters, who were Artradex's must trusted disciples argued that they should harness and protect the elemental stone's power individually. Other leaders said that they should unite them back and rebuild Aukrasia. This argument was turned down, as the guild warned that the stone's unlimited power would pomp the possessor, and the pendulum would swing back to them, so that they get plunged in deep materialistic discord. Artradex was not human, could bend the laws to his will and resist human temptation.

Eventually, the guild took each stone to themselves and parted to the four corners of the world, where they ruled peacefully. The Merkabians (so were called the members of the order) who were in charge of the library retreated to the second largest archive, taking the remaining teachings and storing them there. This second library, later came to be known as 'the Mystery School, was located further away, but still standing. The latter from the Order attempted to reform the religious, military, authoritarian order, Artradex had started, spreading their power and dominance globally. Several other minor orders segregated, each with their own purpose.

The Order's seal depicts a Tetrahedron star, along with other symbols. It is thought that the Merkaba is the Stella Arcana's true form, thus, the shape and devotion to the star.
The Order's official seal

The Order's sigil, Magnum sigillum Merkaba, depicts a Tetrahedron star, along with ancient Aukrasian script. It is thought that the Merkaba is the Stella Arcana's true form, thus, the shape and devotion to the icon.

For thousands of years the Merkabians influence remained extremely powerful in world affairs. Their seat of power is usually the second mightiest, after the country's selected leader or monarch. In every town of decent population there is bound to be a chandlery (the Merkabian's local quarters). In the most populous cities, there are the so-called crucibles, which are the headquarters of a certain country. There are four buildings serving this purpose and they are located at Zephyria, Elbatron, Vulčaclia and Shoukou. Zephyria was the dominant, leading crucible before the start of Aaranox's regime. Then, they moved to the second most powerful, that at Elbatron.

In the recent days, the Merkabian order has abandoned their religious service, the Temple of Artradex, taking over this purpose instead. Instead, they act as an organisation, monitoring political and global affairs. Their army is the fifth largest on Earth. However, that is only a small portion of their work. The general public doesn't know what happens behind their chandlery's, or crucible's, concealed doors. Conspiracy theories flourish. Everyone knows where they are, since they are a local monument, but nobody knows what goes on inside.

Although the Merkabians have hundreds of thousands of members, and recruit thousands more for their army, only a handful grasp their arcane teachings and purpose. The very bricks of their buildings are cemented in secrets and mystery...


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