A parasite from the past. This malicious creature is among the lowest type in Lazrahel's hierarchy of followers to infest the mental transition state between life and ascension. The dark, gloomy battlefield where Aukrasia fell remains a preserved mental state on its own, where such creatures, remnants of the war, linger about. This ancient dark, primordial energy made the skulls of the deceased their home, feeding on the dead's negative memory to grow their own physical body, which took the resemblance of an insect.

A sting from one of these creatures and the victim would suffer from a flashback of their worst moments in life, the aftermath being extreme hysteria and paranoia.
Such creatures are not regarded as conscious, tied by their lack of free will. They feed on the victim's consciousness for enough time to spark their own, to move on, devouring more unfortunate souls.
Motivated by this aggressive thirst for free will, this energy inhabits the bodies of items surrounded by a conscious aura, in hope of achieving intellect and superiority, reaching higher states of mind. Although commonly found in the darkest planes of the cosmos, such creatures with a low capability of thinking for itself make excellent servitors for beings of a higher hierarchy